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By Fabrizio Montesi.
Created on 2023-05-15.
Last updated on 2024-12-17.
See also: Introduction to Choreographies
A choreography has the knowledge of choice property if it ensures that, when a choice is made to pick between alternative behaviours, all affected participants are made aware of the choice [Montesi 2023]. The name 'knowledge of choice' was introduced by Castagna et al. [2012] in the context of multiparty session types, but the problem is older and applies to all choreographic languages.
Consider the following choreography for single sign-on. A client (c
) communicates some credentials to an authenticator (a
), which then decides if a web service (ws
) should communicate a new session token to the client. In the negative case, the web service should communicate a special NoToken
value to the client, denoting failure.
c.credentials -> a.x;
if a.valid(x) then
ws.newToken() -> c.token
ws.NoToken -> c.token
A simplistic choreography for single sign-on, given in the language of Recursive Choreographies. As we are going to see, there is a problem with this choreography.
sequenceDiagram participant c participant a participant ws c->>a: credentials alt a.valid(credentials) ws->>c: newToken() else ws->>c: NoToken end
The same choreography, but given as a sequence diagram.
There is a problem here. The behaviour of ws
depends on the internal choice made by a
regarding c
's credentials.
In other words, ws
needs to know about a
's choice.
However, there is no communication that ever reaches ws
carrying information about a
's choice.
Therefore, this choreography does not ensure knowledge of choice.
While there is nothing wrong with this in principle, lack of knowledge of choice can be very relevant in practice. For example, here, the implementor of the choreography will be forced to develop some mechanism by which ws
gets to know about a
's choice. This can have bad consequences:
to ws
that would inform ws
about a
's choice. But this would entail that the choreography would not be representative anymore, since the implementation would enact unforeseen communications.a
's choice (a
would write it and ws
would read it).A better solution is to fix the choreography.
Fixing our choreography is relatively simple. We just need to add communications that allow ws
to infer what it should do. Here is the resulting choreography, both in textual and visual forms.
c.credentials -> a.x;
if a.valid(x) then
a -> ws[OK];
ws.newToken() -> c.token;
a -> ws[KO];
ws.NoToken -> c.token;
sequenceDiagram participant c participant a participant ws c->>a: credentials alt a.valid(credentials) a->>ws: OK ws->>c: newToken() else a->>ws: KO ws->>c: NoToken end
The corrected version of the previous choreography, which now ensures knowledge of choice.
Compared to the previous choreography, we have added two selections.
A selection is a communication that carries a constant value. In practice, it is usually an instance of an enumerated type.
In the then-branch, a
communicates the label OK
to ws
, whereas in the else-branch the communicated label is KO
This means that the implementation of ws
can now operate as follows:
, then send newToken()
to c
. Otherwise, if the received label is KO
, then send NoToken
to c
.This behaviour can be easily implemented with a local switch construct at ws
(or an equivalent construction in whatever language the implementation of ws
is written). In pseudocode:
// Implementation of ws
switch( recv from a ) {
case OK:
send newToken() to c;
case KO:
send NoToken to c;
The theory of these 'switching behaviours' has an elegant algebraic formulation by means of a join operator, called merging, and the join-semilattice that it induces on a process calculus [Montesi 2023]. The idea of a merging operator was originally introduced in [Carbone et al. 2012].
The transformation of a choreography into one that guarantees knowledge of choice is called amendment, or repair. There exist automatic procedures for amendment, for example in [Basu and Bultan 2016; Cruz-Filipe and Montesi 2020; Lanese et al. 2013]. At least one is formalised in the Coq theorem prover [Cruz-Filipe and Montesi 2023].
Basu, S., Bultan, T. [2016], 'Automated Choreography Repair', Proceedings of FASE 2016.
Castagna, G., Dezani-Ciancaglini, M. & Padovani, L. [2012], 'On global types and multi-party session', Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 8(1).
Carbone, M., Honda, K., Yoshida, N. [2012], 'Structured Communication-Centered Programming for Web Services', ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 34(2): 8:1-8:78.
Cruz-Filipe, L., Montesi, F., 'Now It Compiles! Certified Automatic Repair of Uncompilable Protocols', Proceedings of ITP 2023.
Dalla Preda, M., Gabbrielli, M., Giallorenzo, G., Lanese, I., Mauro, J. [2017], 'Dynamic Choreographies: Theory And Implementation', Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 13(2).
Lanese, I., Montesi, F., Zavattaro, G. [2013], 'Amending Choreographies', Proceedings of WWV 2013.
Montesi, F. [2023], 'Introduction to Choreographies', Cambridge University Press.
Shen, G., Kashiwa, S., Kuper, L. [2023], 'HasChor: Functional Choreographic Programming for All (Functional Pearl)', CoRR abs/2303.00924.