Dissemination Articles

For academic articles, see research.

  1. How to Implement the Decorator Pattern in Microservices. Hackernoon, 2022.
  2. Comparing Express With Jolie: Creating a REST Service. DZone, 2022.
  3. 3 Easy Steps for a (Dev)Containerized Microservice With Jolie and Docker. DZone, 2022.
  4. Decorating Microservices. DZone, 2022.
  5. Build a Microservice in 4 Steps: An Introduction to Jolie. DZone, 2021.
  6. A Detailed Introduction to Service-Oriented Programming. Hackernoon, 2020.
  7. Hack your way through the microservices revolution. InfoWorld, 2015.

Tutorials & Seminars

See also my YouTube channel.

Jolie - Making a service

An Introduction to Structured Microservice Programming and the Jolie Programming Language

Understandable Microservices (Keynote at Microservice 2019)

Multiparty Languages: The Choreographic and Multitier Cases (ECOOP'21 Distinguished Paper)

Create Quickly a Microservice Project With VS Code DevContainers, Docker, npm, and Jolie


Data Choreographies

Data Choreographies is a transdisciplinary art exhibition inspired by our research on choreographic programming, a new programming paradigm for coordinating computers and their data exchanges. It ran from 4 November 2021 to 12 December 2021 at Catch (Center for art, design and technology) in the city of Helsingør, Denmark.

The exhibition includes artwork and live events with the artists, curators, and researchers behind the project. Interaction with the public ranges from reflections on art to technical topics, like how computer networks work today and how they could work in the future to better fit the needs of society.

The Passage Festival in the city of Helsingør included a live choreography for the public, which allowed participants to experience first-hand the emergence of global behaviour from coordinated individual efforts.

The Data Choreographies exhibition is curated by Anne Julie Arnfred, Fabrizio Montesi, Majken Overgaard, and the involved artists (listed below), with the support of Saverio Giallorenzo.

Artwork by Honey Biba Beckerlee, Jesper Just, Andreas Refsgaard, and Simone Wierød. Graphics by Johanne Aarup Hansen. Video by Instafilm.

Interviews, Media, and Presentations

Serverless today and tomorrow: an interview with Fabrizio Montesi (EN), Nuvolaris Inc., 2023.

Grant will make your clicks more transparent (EN), University of Southern Denmark, 2022.

Data og demokrati (DK), PROSA Bladet, 2022.

Verdensførende computerforsker på Fyn (DK), Fyens Stiftstidende, 2022.

Ricerca e impresa insieme in Italia. A volte (IT), Punto Informatico, 2008.